Imagine, for a moment, that you are not in your present role. If you’re a modeling talent; you’re not anymore. If you’re a photographer; not anymore.

Instead, you are on the other side of the table.

No, not like in the plot of a bad 80’s movie.

You’ve become the client.

Sitting across from you is your former self looking to be hired.

However you have very little time and far too many options of who to hire. There were people who had amazing pitches, those who put together a strong project approach, those who had a phenomenal portfolio, those with the best marketing materials, those that were the most personable and so on. There are so many qualified talents in front of you yet you only have the ability to give one this project.

Since you are now making the decision – the question is would you hire you?

How does your approach to getting work stack up and compare or contrast to the competition? Do you stand out enough? Are you professional enough? Are your materials the best? Is your portfolio the strongest? Are you present enough or personable enough? Or have you cut corners in certain areas?

If you wouldn’t hire yourself… what needs to change?

James Patrick
IG @jpatrickphoto