A recent conversation with a modeling talent went something like this…

Model: I want to be in a magazine!
Me: Which one?
Model: Any one!

Making a statement like this is the same as being interviewed for a job and when asked what job you’re applying for you respond with saying “any one!” We actually might have an opening for a janitor at this company (sorry, no offense intended towards sanitation engineers!)

If your pursuit in the talent industry is more than just to have a fun hobby – then everything you do must be done with purpose.

Which magazine or magazines are you looking to work with? Also, why are you wanting to work with them? How does being featured or profiled fit within your plans or goals? How can you leverage this opportunity?

Having this focus enables you to not only better position yourself in the eyes of the media – but it also protects you from expending your time or energy on fruitless endeavors.

So; which job would you like?

SIDE NOTE: For talents that are interested in learning about being published within the fitness industry, stay tuned for my upcoming e-book on this very topic!

James Patrick
instagram @jpatrickphoto