Understanding the Consumer Journey is paramount when it comes to learning how to increase your overall revenue.

STEP 1) Awareness
The consumer must know you exist and what you do. This is your marketing efforts. Getting people to know who you are, what you do and why it matters in the context of their lives.

STEP 2) Value
If step 1 is getting people to know we exist, then step 2 is keeping their attention! We do this by giving tremendous value to our consumers so they continue to give us their focus, which is the most value asset we can have. This is often achieved through content marketing (social media, blog, podcast, video series, webinars, etc). Your mission is to inform, inspire of entertain.

STEP 3) Subscription
MANY SKIP THIS STEP – however this is essential if you don’t always want to rely on the algorithm of social media to connect with your audience. Your list building efforts come down to offering something of value in exchange for someone’s name and e-mail address. This is your audience saying “YES YOU CAN MARKET ME!”

STEP 4) The First Purchase
On my BEYOND THE IMAGE podcast I discussed why you should offer a low ticket item to help increase your sales.

The benefits of doing this include:

  • Step 3 to 4 becomes much smaller
  • Fantastic way to build more trust
  • First purchase is the hardest
  • Excellent way to offer immediate upsales
  • Easier to ascend clients up

With a lower barrier for entry between steps 3 and 4, you increase your potential of getting more clients to be paying clients – and with the first purchase being the hardest, it becomes much easier to nurture your clients and ascend them up to the next step.

James Patrick
IG @jpatrickphoto