I plan to launch a website so I can leverage it to get work… at some point once I figure out what needs to be on it.

I plan to have business cards designed so I can attend networking events… at some point when I know how I want it to look.

I plan to start a blog so I can share my insights and build an audience… at some point when I know what to say.

I plan to write an e-book and sell it on my website to generate revenue… at some point when I have an idea of what would sell.

I plan to compile a demo reel that I can send off to producers… at some point when I find a videographer.

I plan to connect with specific photographers to build a marketing portfolio… at some point when I am shoot-ready.

I plan to contact this magazine to pitch myself… at some point when I know what I am pitching.

What if “at some point” was tomorrow or a week from today? How much more do you think you would actually accomplish?

Instead of “at some point,” why not now? Why not in the immediate future?

Consider Parkinson’s Law: Work expands so as to fill time available for its completion.

That being said, how much more work does a website one year from now take compared to one in three months’ time? How much more investment will go into a blog you launch today versus one you plan to launch next quarter? How long will you spin your wheels on that magazine pitch which may happen in 3-to-4 months contrasted with one you ship out the door tomorrow?

On your next project, instead of just writing it down and thinking it needing to happen “at some point” – put a date next to it. My guess is that you’ll find it a lot easier to get it done.

James Patrick